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Notes from the #WhosYourCharacter twitterverse

Miles O'Neal

These are hardly all the characters in Year of the Dragon Lord but they were the easiest to distill down to an interesting essence within the limitations of twitter. Got a favorite I missed? Let me know!

  • Orphaned by dragons, Gerald plans to be the greatest dragon lord & kill them all. Is it that simple?

  • Cuthbert, lore master, the kingdom's greatest treasure. Like Nick Fury, even his secrets have secrets.

  • Kenna: mere trader or perhaps faerie? Mysteriously alluring, she knows a lot about dragons.

  • Santana, the first dragon Gerald meets. Formidable, honorable, and a brilliant sense of humor.

  • It's too bad Argyll wasn't dropped into a volcano while still in the egg. But then who would Gerald be?

  • "Kill me so you can kill my brother!" she says. Are all dragons mad? Some days it seems that way.

  • K'Pene renounced everything and moved to Ireland. Why would an African Queen do that?


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