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How would you feel if your parents were eaten by dragons?

Miles O'Neal

Year of The Dragon Lord Miles O'Neal

How would you feel if your parents were eaten by dragons?

This is the question I lived with...and I wrote and edited my first novel, Year of The Dragon Lord.

We all want to be loved. We want family and community. There are very few true lone wolves. When these are ripped violently away from us we tend to react strongly. Some people shut down. Some go on the rampage. Some try to go on as if nothing much happened. Others bide their time and look for justice....

Or revenge.

Most of us would go through more than one of these. Gerald certainly did.

Growing up is hard enough now. Imagine growing up in early 16th century Scotland knowing that somewhere out there was a dragon thinking of you as unfinished business.

Now imagine that you are a teenager with limited dragon lore and basic combat training. You've finally met this dragon (among others!) and you've really, really hacked him off. Oh, and he's deranged. And huge. With claws. And fangs. And fire....And he's at least as smart as you are.

And that's the simple part of your life.

Welcome to Gerald's life. Welcome to the Year of the Dragon Lord.

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